Dawn Batts shares 2 important factors in angel investing success


This week on The Angel Next Door, Marcia sits down with fellow angel investor Dawn Batts. After years of experience in investment and pension fund management, Dawn noticed a trend of money moving away from traditional assets such as stocks and bonds and into private equity investments. This change brought her to the world of angel investing and eventually to her co-founding Detroit based angel group Commune Angels.

Dawn starts off by discussing her background and how she discovered the world of angel investing. At the beginning of her journey, she invested in several companies at the ‘friends and family’ stage. After receiving a call from a friend about starting an angel group, Dawn and a few others came together to form Commune Angels with the idea of creating a new type of angel group. Dawn explains how she and the other co-founders were very intentional and diligent in deciding the structure and image of Commune Angels prior to launching in August 2020. The founders looked to create a safe and inclusive environment that focused on members’ experience as well as financials. They thought lower membership fees and lower investment minimums would allow more access to diversification for their members, but they also made sure to be founder friendly.

Marcia and Dawn go on to discuss the importance of education in investing. While Commune Angels has 4 internal education sessions a year, Dawn promotes education outside of the group, primarily through cohorts. In 2021, she led a cohort backed by 1863 Ventures to find emerging investors and curate an experience to introduce them to angel investing and engage in the ecosystem in different ways. Dawn explains how cohort education allows people to build connections and start to build a network that can help build future success and bring more investment opportunities.

Finally, Dawn touches on the Catalyst Angel Program in the Great Lakes region, which she works with to help emerging Black, Latinx and/or female investors learn more about investing and build networks of connections, many through cohort education. She also gives a couple examples of companies that the Commune Angels group has invested in so far. This episode provides some great insight on how the angel investing world can adapt to allow more opportunities for more investors and how education is a crucial part of that change.


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