Why the Current Accredited Investor Definition is Keeping Investors Out


In this quick episode of The Angel Next Door, Marcia talks about today’s accredited investor definition, how that definition limits who can invest, and how change can get more capital into the hands of underrepresented founders. She reviews the current requirements to be an accredited investor which is mainly based on wealth and income and how the Angel Capital Association plays a role in bringing awareness of the impact of changes to the definition to our legislators. 

Recently, the House Financial Services committee held a hearing on “Sophistication or Discrimination? How the Accredited Investor Definition Unfairly Limits Investment Access for the Non-Wealthy and the Need for Reform.” Marcia details how Eli Velasquez, fellow ACA board member and previous guest on the podcast, testified at the hearing, telling his experiences in the investing world. Eli discusses how he had built an impressive 20+ year resume that provided him the opportunities to evaluate thousands of investment deals, but not participate in the deals because he was not an accredited investor. He witnessed a young inexperienced investor leverage his family trust fund to become accredited and make deals, despite himself being only $20,000 from the income threshold to become accredited and having a wealth of experience. 

Eli explains in his testimony that he missed out on a generation’s worth of opportunities because of the definition of an accredited investor, before he was finally able to write his first check in 2020. Marcia goes on to provide examples of changes that could be made to expand the definition of the accredited investor. These changes could lead to positive impacts on who can invest and, with that, which founders receive the capital they need to grow their businesses. Listen in for a truly impactful story.


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