An Angel's Path - The Beth Stelluto Dunaier Interview


Listen in as we discover Beth's path of becoming an angel investor and REAL examples of how her life in angel investing drives learning, mentorship, while it fulfills her passion for helping women and start-ups. It's a quick interview, but, we dive into how being in a group early on led to Beth discovering her angel investing strengths...and also what areas she would look to fellow angels for feedback. Beth talks about her role at The Next Wave Impact Fund. Beth is an investor at the fund and shares her story of becoming an angel. We hear of her attending her first Angel Capital Association Event and how it helped her. We talk a bit about how Beth's entrepreneurial spirt and passion for venture capitol leads her to impact female founders and helping women become angel investors.


The Joys of Angel Investing - An Intro to Investing in Innovation. The Steve Baggott Interview


Reversing the Trend of UnderRepresented Founders