Pat Gouhin talks Public Policy at the Angel Capital Association


When one small pebble is dropped into a lake, many much bigger ripples form carrying the energy to the shore - the same thing happens when a community comes together to back the changes they want to see in the world. The energy and contributions from the originator create lasting impact felt by many. Angels are this energy source! This phenomenon was measured in a recent economic study conducted by Desert Angels, an ACA member group, that found “...for every $100,000 of investment, portfolio companies produce 5.8 direct jobs, $458,000 in wages and $2.1 million in economic output.”

This week on ‘The Angel Next Door,’ Marcia Dawood sits down with Pat Gouhin, the CEO of the Angel Capital Association (ACA) to talk about the “ripple impact” angel investing can have on a community.

In this episode, Pat joins us to talk all about the public policy work the ACA is doing and how it is a piece that is commonly overlooked and not understood. The ACA’s Public Policy committee works tirelessly to educate legislators on the importance of ‘angels', entrepreneurs, and their collaborative efforts in local communities and in job creation.

In addition Marcia and Pat discuss why angel investors are critically important to ecosystem development and explain how capital contributions are amplified through angel mentoring and networking that contributes to entrepreneurs maximizing their potential on the journey to change the world.

Tune in to hear more!


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