How to Angel Invest in 200+ Early Stage Startups? || Ft. Marcia DaWood, Chair of the ACA

Meet this woman who start one of the firsts associations for women angel investors!

Marcia Dawood is the chair of the Angel Capital Association in the US.

She is also a venture partner at Mindshift Capital who has been funding women entrepreneurs for over a decade now.

Marcia's passion for investing in women-led companies began when she joined Golden Seeds, a New York-based angel group.

Marcia shares a story of a woman entrepreneur saying,

“I was speaking to an entrepreneur yesterday, she was being very conservative in her projections. I asked her why are you discounting so much and told her that she wasn’t celebrating her wins as much”!

In our candid chat, she refers to a phrase,

“You are not practicing for profession, you are practising for progress”, something which really resonates!

Marcia is on a mission to inspire and educate more women to become angel investors.

Listen to the full episode here.


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